
How to fix Virgin Media slow internet speeds

Slow internet connection problems can be frustrating, so we’re here to help you get things back up to speed.

It’s best to test your broadband service so we can help to fix any issues, or if needed, book a technician, order a new WiFi Hub, or chat to our team.

Tips to help with slow speeds

Slow speeds aren’t always caused by a broadband fault – just by changing how things are set up in your home can help you make the most of your connection.

Check out our handy tips below to help improve your broadband speeds.

Run a check on your broadband service

Run a check on your broadband service

Test your broadband service and if we find an issue, we can help you with a fix online, so there’s no need to call us. We’ll check for any issues affecting your postcode, too. If we can’t fix it online, we’ll help you to either book a technician, get a replacement WiFi Hub sent out, or get in touch with our team.

Run a check on your broadband service

Test your broadband speed

Test your broadband speed

Check what download and upload speeds your devices are getting from the Hub by running a speed test. If they’re a lot slower than expected, you should then run a check on your broadband service.

You’ll get the most accurate results by running the test on a device connected to the Hub via an Ethernet cable. However, feel free to test over WiFi if you want to see what speeds you can get around your home. And remember, don’t download or upload large files or stream movies and games while you’re testing, as this will affect the results.

Test my broadband speed

Help your devices get the best signal strength

Help your devices get the best signal strength

Your device’s signal strength is affected by how far it is from the Hub, and the obstacles between the two, like walls, floors, doors, and furniture. Try moving your device to avoid obstacles.

If you can, connect devices that use more bandwidth (like game consoles, desktop computers, or laptops) to the Hub with an Ethernet cable for a stronger, more reliable wired connection.

Find and fix poor WiFi spots by using the Virgin Media Connect app to run a home scan. If you find weak spots, consider extending the WiFi coverage with our superstrong WiFi guarantee with WiFi Max, which comes with our WiFi Pods.

Get the most out of the WiFi Hub

Get the most out of the WiFi Hub

Making sure that the Hub is working at its best is key to having a strong, reliable, working broadband connection.

  • Place the Hub in the best spot – keep it upright, out in the open and away from radiators and electronic devices. It can then avoid signal interference and better spread the WiFi around your home.
  • Check the Hub’s cables are plugged in firmly and don’t use any that are old or faulty.
  • If you’ve not rebooted the Hub in a little while, doing so will trigger it to download any software updates or fixes, keeping it in tip-top condition.
  • If you’ve made changes to the Hub’s settings and think this could be causing an issue, reset the Hub to revert all the changes back to factory settings.
  • You can also run a test on your services, and our clever checks will find if there are any issues with the Hub.
Manage the devices you’ve connected

Manage the devices you’ve connected

The Hub shares out its signal between all connected devices, so if you’ve got loads of devices connected, or if they’re simultaneously using streaming services like Netflix, or online gaming, you might see slower speeds. Try disconnecting any devices that you’re not using to free up the bandwidth.

If just one device is struggling with WiFi, make sure it’s got the latest software installed. Remember that newer devices have better reception that older ones.

Working from home and using a Virtual Personal Network (VPN)? Many companies use these to provide a secure and encrypted connection for working safely from home. As the VPN will have extra protection provided, it could affect your broadband speed, especially during peak office hours. To combat slower speeds, disconnecting and reconnecting to the VPN can help.

Slow speed FAQs

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