Our response to the Government's disability employment strategy

30 November 2017

We welcome the Government's Green Paper on disability employment

Today the Government published its Green Paper setting out its proposals on getting more disabled people into work.

It’s a three-year roadmap setting out how they plan to reduce the disability employment gap in the UK - which has been stuck at around 30 percent for the last decade - including key reforms to employment policy and recommendations for employers.

We welcome the Government’s intention to tackle the disability employment gap. Our Work With Me campaign with the disability charity, Scope, aims to highlight and tackle the barriers disabled people face getting into and staying in work – whether those barriers are physical, procedural or attitudinal.

We’re also looking at how we can improve the experiences of our disabled employees in the workplace, as well as ensuring we have the right products and services for our disabled customers, too

Catherine Lynch, our Chief People Officer said:

> Virgin Media wants to help more disabled people get into and stay in work.

As an employer, we’re taking steps to better understand and transform how we support our disabled employees.  We have also launched, in partnership with the disability charity, Scope, ‘Work With Me’, a digital initiative to give disabled people advice, skills and confidence to get into work.

We would encourage other businesses to do what they can to help close the disability employment gap.

You can read Scope’s response to the Green Paper here.