How to cancel entertainment subscriptions on Stream

You can cancel and un-cancel your entertainment subscriptions on Stream with no fuss each month. Here’s what to do if you want to remove any from your Stream account.

How to cancel entertainment subscriptions online through My Stream Plan

You can do this online in your My Stream Plan account.

  1. Register or sign in to My Stream Plan.

  2. Head to the Active subscriptions section, select the TV pack you’d like to remove

  3. On the TV pack window that pops up, select Cancel subscription

  4. Confirm you want to cancel it by selecting Yes cancel it

  5. We’ll confirm we’ve cancelled it, and you can then select Done

As subscriptions are on a 30-day rolling contract (or a monthly rolling contract for Disney+ Premium), once you’ve cancelled one, you’ll see it as pending removal in Active subscriptions. It’ll have a little clock symbol under it, and lets you know how many days are remaining before it’s removed.