Step into a Secret World Of Sound
Step into a Secret World Of Sound
In his new series on Sky Nature, David Attenborough introduces viewers to an awe-inspiring acoustic world. Here’s what to expect – and more about some of the show’s stars
By Chris Miller + Rebecca Tanqueray, Feature Writers
How do you know when you’re truly immersed in nature? The sound. In the British countryside, you’ll hear the twittering of songbirds, or perhaps the croaking of frogs by a river. If you’re further afield, perhaps it’s the chirping of cicadas or the screech of monkeys that lets you know you’ve left human society behind. They’re wonderful sounds. But they’re not just noises – they’re meaningful.
That’s why legendary naturalist and broadcasting titan David Attenborough has devoted a new series to sounds – the sounds that play a crucial role in the lives and everyday struggles of animals around the world, from birth to finding a mate, from hunting to survival. Secret World Of Sound With David Attenborough begins on Sunday 25 February at 8pm on Sky Nature HD (CH 189).
Across three compelling episodes – ”Hunters And Hunted”, “Love And Rivals” and “Finding A Voice” – Attenborough introduces us to a huge variety of creatures, from fish and reptiles to insects, birds and mammals, exploring the extraordinary ways that animals hear and produce sound, and how it influences the decisions they make.
Find out how lions and hyenas use sound to battle over territory in the dark, how a strange fish’s eerie hum baffled locals, and how caiman communicate before they even hatch – thanks to ultra-advanced microphones that can pick up sounds from within the egg. And there are many more, with as many as eight separate animals in every episode.
The series was filmed in 4K ultra high definition, using the latest super-sensitive microphones and recording devices to capture sounds that are often out of reach of the human ear. Thanks to specially adapted cameras and laser vibrometers, as well as microphones so tiny they fit on your fingertip, humans can truly eavesdrop on the animal world for the first time and discover new stories and information that have been hidden until now.
Get ready to lose yourself in the natural world and experience its breathtaking sounds as never heard before in this innovative Sky Nature series. Here are some of the fascinating animals you’ll meet in Secret World Of Sound With David Attenborough – click on the crosses to find out more.
When is Secret World Of Sound With David Attenborough on TV?
Secret World Of Sound With David Attenborough begins on Sunday 25 February at 8pm on Sky Nature HD (CH 189), when all three episodes will be available in On Demand.
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