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Do opposites attract?

Do opposites attract?

We sit down with the stars of My Posh Date as the brand new dating show arrives on Channel 5

Different worlds collide in this bonkers new dating show…

My Posh Date, Thursday 10 October, 10pm, Channel 5/HD (CH 105/150). Also available for 7 days in Catch Up > Channels > Channel 5

Just when you thought dating shows couldn’t get any stranger, along comes My Posh Date, a show that looks set to shake up the reality TV game by providing some wholly unexpected insights into the modern-day British class system.


Put simply, this new show pairs singletons from drastically different walks of life, with one coming from an “uptown” area and the other coming from a “downtown” area.

My Posh Date delivers the kind of laughs and cringe-inducing moments that only this brand of insatiably watchable telly can provide. Every fumbled sentence or flirty moment is, for better or worse, amplified by each party’s respective experiences.


That isn’t to say the show is without its more thoughtful moments. While it’s undoubtedly entertaining to watch people from different walks of life come together, when they do find common ground, the sparks really begin to fly, revealing the genius behind the concept.


But don’t just take our word for it. Before this gripping new dating show arrives on Channel 5, meet three of this series’ daters and find out everything you need to know before getting stuck in…


Holly from Uptown Downtown Dating


Jack from Uptown Downtown Dating


Amy from Uptown Downtown Dating


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