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To mark Stress Awareness Month, you can find a range of relaxing Get Moving exercise classes on Channel 100 every Saturday morning in April. Here’s how to shake off your weekday stresses with Virgin Media

By Virgin Media

We all know that exercise can help us to feel less stressed, but often the irony is we’re all too busy and stressed to fit it into our routine. But research shows that even five minutes of aerobic exercise can stimulate anti-anxiety effects – and Virgin Media has made things that little bit easier with a whole bunch of speedy workouts available at the click of a remote control button. All you have to do is turn on your TV (and maybe roll out an exercise mat).


And because timing is everything, from 8am every Saturday throughout April, we’re showcasing one hour of stress-busting fitness content at no extra charge on CH 100 – from Pilates and stretching to yoga and meditation. This channel, which is available to all Virgin TV customers who watch on a TiVo® box, Virgin TV V6 box, powered by TiVo® or a Virgin TV 360 box, feature sessions that last from 10 minutes to half an hour, there’s something for everyone.


If getting up at 8am on a Saturday morning isn’t your cup of tea, don’t sweat it: the showcase will be repeated at 9am and 10am.


Prefer working out at a different time? No stress. TV 360 and Stream customers can find all these classes and more to watch in our Stress Buster and Stress Reliever collections, which you can access any time by heading to Box Sets & Movies > Get Moving. TiVo® customers can access them by going to On Demand > Get Moving or Catch Up > Get Moving.


Keep reading to see a few of our highlights from the programme – and remember you can always combine a few of the sessions to create a bespoke workout that’s right for you.


Stress Awareness Zone Fitness Classes

Full Body Stretch

Tune in for an 11-minute full body stretch with Richie – it’s the best way to prep your body for exercise and the weekend ahead. We guarantee you’ll finish your session feeling both calm and invigorated.


Morning Mobility

Just 10 minutes with Lina and her dynamic stretches will give you all you need to shake your muscles out of sleep mode and feel ready for anything.


Total Body Release

Chris’s 25-minute slot combines mobility work and stretching with yoga and simple bodyweight movements. It’s the ultimate top-to-toe workout.



Choose between 10 and 20 minutes of pure, blissful meditation that will help you head into the weekend with a calm, clear mind.


Energising Yoga Flow

These yoga sequences are a wonderful way to make your body and mind feel totally uplifted – and all you need is a yoga mat and 10 minutes.


Heart-opening Yoga

Thirty minutes of Michaela’s yoga will leave you feeling reborn, thanks to a focus on opening your chest. Why does this part of your body need to open? Two words: laptop hunching.


Dynamic Vinyasa Flow

Energetic but graceful, this type of yoga encourages you to take up poses that flow naturally from one posture to the next. It’s a brilliant way to spend 30 minutes, and consider following up with a meditation session afterwards to round it off. If you want to spend the rest of the weekend lying down in a state of blissful calm, we won’t stop you.


Looking for more fitspiration?

Just in case you need even more incentive to kick off or step up your exercise regime, our Fit at Home app is available for TV 360 and Stream customers. It’s your chance to make the most of the Fit at Home stash of exercise programmes: from fun, dance-themed classes for kids or full-body workouts with dumbbells, there are more than 500 PT-led sessions. Find out more about Fit at Home here, including details of a 30-day free trial. Terms apply (see below).


For Virgin Media O2 customers, there’s a physical option too: Nuffield Health is offering a free three-day trial at any one of its gyms nationwide. Find out more here.


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Fit at Home

The Fit at Home app costs £15 a month, of £11 a month if you sign up for six months, or £10 a month if you sign up for a year.

Sign up online here. Log in via this web page to claim the 30-day free trial. You can pair it with your TV to follow the classes on your TV screen.

Once you have subscribed, you will find Fit at Home in the Apps area.

Virgin Media customers sign up for Fit at Home directly. The price will not be integrated with your Virgin Media billing.